How are we adding new movement states/animations to the new Game Animation Locomotion System...

I’ve been trying to re-impliment past working Blueprints such as archery, swimming and throwing knives. But it’s been a bit of a nightmare to say the least with the new Movement and animations system. I can’t figure out how to get systems working properly.

For Example I’ve set up Buoyancy for swimming, added a Overlay States Animation layer. Then add all the keys to the bones I want to adjust. Everything works absolutely fine while I’m at the surface. Then as soon as you start falling (My Movement Mode is set to Flying) Because swimming movement mode just walks on the floor, No idea what the point of the swimming movement mode is, it’s never worked properly for me.

Now when I’m swimming The blueprint behaves perfectly at the surface. Follows directions and moves as it should then for some reason I’m assuming I start Falling and my spine is bent to 90 degree angle until I reach the surface again.

How are we supposed to actually get things to look good with this new system? Everything I try looks great then all of a sudden my spine is bent in two. Or it’s trying to do some random animation while it’s supposed to be in a swimming state. Anyone had any luck with implementing their own movements.