How are Vehicle wheels are handled in ue4, I Mean how are simulated bones are still controlled by ANIM BP

My Question might be complicated to understand, so let me try to rephrase it correctly. UE4 Vehicle Plugin by Nvidia is, let us just say not good and would never be!! As Nvidia’s code hasn’t been updated since ages.
So my problem is I want to make my own Vehicle Component, A basic one, with no BS, So that I can have better control over acc, handling, tuning, braking and stuff!!
So I have made a collision box and it can roll to infinity and beyond !! So now comes the main part i.e animation SK_Mesh of car!!
Now the UE4 uses SK for vehicles , which seem to have ANIM BP , which handle wheel animations and stuff,
Now my problem and THE QUESTION IS… How can a simulated bone be controlled by anim BP in vehicle BP of UE4, I mean they are simulated right? when I try to add turning anim to my bone , My custom BP wont even flinch the wheel.
I really want to understand how the Nvidia code communicates with anim BP, I mean Nvidia code is using its own collision which is cylinder for the wheel, so how does that communicate to SK mesh and Its bones ie TIRES!!

Please Please HELP!!