How are these Diffuse maps used in engine?

I’ve extracted some textures from Fortnite to study and I noticed some of the _D maps are greyscale or something? Are they colored later on in engine? Whats the purpose of this?

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The grayscale ones look more like specular or AO maps,

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Thats what Im wondering, I have the channel packed maps that have the specular and AO. These are all labeled under the same _D which has me confused.

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I would say, look at how the textures are used in the material. MAYBE, just maybe, he multiplies the AO onto his diffuse textures to create the final look rather than plugging into the AO channel.

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The _D could stand for displacement (although I doubt that as they have used _D on all the diffuse maps). Or they could be used as masks for the diffuse maps.

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Grayscale diffuse textures are often used to colorize an object, multiplying it for a vector parameter (RGB), in this way you can sometimes achieve better results than using a hue shift node (that sometimes can distort the color and it’s less intuitive to use).

I really doubt that Epic itself uses “bad texture suffixes” (at least I hope), the naming convention is:

  • _D for Diffuse (also called Albedo or Base color)
  • _N for Normal
  • _MSR for Metallic Specular and Roughness (you can find them also separate, but since they use only one channel you can group them in a single texture)
  • _AO for ambient occlusion

There are some new parameters used in UE5 like Gloss and Plastic but right now I don’t remember what their suffixes are (you can find them in the UE5 mannequin example)