How am I supposed to be making head bob?

It’s a very simple mechanic I imagine most games have. But I’m struggling to understand how to properly implement it. For my project I need a bunch of unique bobs so I started by creating a custom system using curves and then found out about “Camera Shake” system. It was a nice out-of-the-box solution that had easing, support for animation curves and… no ability to loop said animation. Sure you can loop if you use compound or wave instead of curves but those don’t even have an offset parameter, so they’re pretty limited.
So now I either manually observe the shake and start it over once it’s finished or back to making my own, former feeling like it’s bound to break at some point and later is just disappointing since I’ll be leaving a great system just because it lacks an arguably basic feature.
So anyway, how do you make yours?

Another way is to attach the camera to your characters head - then hide by bone the head and attach a head mesh that is owner no see and shadow when hidden on.

Oh no, it’s a terrible practice. This most often results in an uncomfortable/borderline nauseating camera movement unless you design your animation specifically to work with camera attached. The best way imo is to manually offset it independent of animation and tweak so it feels really nice but there’s no good built-in solution for that :pensive:

It entirely depends on your animations whether it’s nauseating :slight_smile:

I’ve used the camera shake system too - I’m sure you can loop it…

You can only loop the simple wave, noise and compound patterns but as I said, those are pretty limiting. You can’t even change the function offset since the only parameters for that are either “Random” or “Zero”. As for the camera animation sequence, I couldn’t find any way to make them loop automatically, but maybe I’m just not looking good enough :stuck_out_tongue:

maybe this post can help?

Guy’s basically having the same problem as me, and that’s back in august. Really doubt they will add this feature at all at this point. So for now, back to making the custom system.

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