So i have made a Party royale island but i don’t know how to add a xp award for doing dances or play time…
Use Accolade Devices for awarding XP.
You can use a mutator zone around the dance area and in the Award function of the Accolade Device point it to the mutator zone and select On Player Emoted.
You can use a timed objective that restarts and point the Accolade device to the timed objective and select the option that suits.
You can also point the accolade device to heaps of things, like an elimination manager, DBNO device, trackers, spawners etc etc
Thank you for your help I apricate it so much. Just want to know how to I make the xp stack till a certain number and then start over from 1
Maybe cascade a few accolades with different XP awards that can enable and disable each other in a sequence, perhaps a few timers in between ??