I am a complete newbie to Unreal, but I am using it as the foundation of a project to create a simulated autonomous vehicle. In an effort to be as accurate as possible I have started to dive into the files of unreal and how it models cars. Though there are some parts I do not agree with, it is what I must use.
In my car file I have the maximum steering angle to 50 degrees as well as Ackermann accuracy set to 1. My question is how does the Ackermann accuracy relate to the maximum steering angle? Is 50 the maximum angle of the inside wheel, outside wheel, average of the two, or the ideal middle wheel in a bicycle model? Furthermore, I am not quite sure how the physics engine models the steering of the car given the Ackermann angles. Does it actually use all four wheels seperately given a slip angle, or does it use a bicycle model with an ideal middle tire where the Ackermann accuracy only applies to the visuals?
Any help on the matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you.