Hotreload in UE5

When i write c++ code in vs2019 for UE4 and press [ctrl + shift + B] it check for typos and then compiles. When the process finished, the UE hotreload sounds pings. Then i jump in the Editor and test my code.

In UE5 it says after pressing my buttons, “Unable to delete hot-reload file: Project-0493.dll”


Now i write code in vs then jumping in the editor to compile, read any compile error in the editor, jump back to vs to correct it, jump back in editor to watch the next wrong line, jump back to vs to correct it and finally jump back to editor to compile.

Thats wastin’ my time. Its a place called debug-hell and i dont like it :slight_smile:

Any help could be great, thanx.


I’m pretty sure that Live Coding replaced Hot Reload in UE5

Post Link:

Ok, thanx.

But live coding is the same mess, got me permanent switching between VS and UE.
For normal stuff like writing a pawn, its not the problem. You can write the complete class from scratch, but for learning and debug single lines, its sad.
