I spotted a hot reload issue.
I have a C++ class that derive from Actor, in this class i have a BlueprintNativeEvent function called Transistion. For my testing i have a UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere) float variable, so i comment out this variable and uncomment it for testing so i can use hotreload.
I have a blueprint that derive from that c++ class, so in this blueprint if i override the function Transistion and then comment out the float variable so that i need to hotreload, the blueprint after the hotreload is broken i can’t save nor compile, if i remove my override function in the blueprint it works again. If i never override the function the hotrealod works fine.
This is the errors that the editor log" Warning Can’t save :/Projects/StateMachine/Content/TopDown/Blueprints/AI/Search.uasset: Graph is linked to external private object Class /Engine/Transient.HOTRELOADED_StateBase_4 (unknown property ref)" and this is the compile error from the BP " Error Cannot override ‘HOTRELOADED_StateBase_4::Transistion’ at Transistion which was declared in a parent with a different signature"