Hotkeys in Mac version of Unreal don't work well

I’m having issues with hotkeys on the mac version of unreal. None of the usual PC hotkeys work. I even see the editor shows me a tooltip of what the hotkey is for some actions and those keys do nothing, or do something else.

For example, QWE keys don’t change the transform gizmo mode to translate, rotate, scale. Q and E instead move the camera up and down. WASD moves the camera even though I’m not holding right click down.

When I try to set keys in sequencer it says the key for making a keyframe is enter, but hitting enter does nothing.

Also the only way to look around that I’ve seen is to use the magic mouse swipe motions. I haven’t seen a way to properly mouse look.

Reply a year later because your question came up first on a Google search and it took me a while to figure out the answer:

Just RESTING your fingers on the Mac track pad is treated as a right-mouse click and puts QWEASD keys in move camera mode. If you completely remove your fingers from the track pad you can then use these keys for regular shorcuts (select, translate, rotate, etc).