I’m just starting with c++ in UE4, so I may be doing this wrong. I’ve created a class and added a few properties and BlueprintCallable functions, and they all work perfectly. I have a JumpImpulse function that I can call from Blueprints, and it makes my pawn jump just fine. In short, my functions work.
The problem comes if I build my class again while the editor is running. I get a “Hot reload complete” in the editor, but now when I try to bring up the context menu for my class, all of my c++ functions are gone. I noticed this when trying to add a new function to see if hot reload was capable of adding new functions. Is this a bug, or a feature? Am I supposed to restart the editor every time I add a new function to a C++ class?
I’m getting this, too. I’m pretty sure it’s a bug. The Blueprint right-click menu is actually losing all my Blueprintable C++ functions when I hot reload, even functions that already existed that I didn’t touch at all.