I have been having issues with compiling and hot reloading. would someone be able to review my code to see if there is a reason it wont compile properly.
My best guess at this point is that despite my code compiling successfully, it doesn’t actually compile properly for editor use. I think it might have something to do with using a class called Room as a C++ object, but I honestly have no idea. This code worked perfectly fine as-is 2 days ago but since yesterday I have been unable to compile unless I remove my Room class and any code requiring it in MapLayout (keeping in mind that this code DID work 2 days ago with no changes made since and then just stopped all of a sudden with no changes when I reopened my project yesterday).
here is another post I have made trying other fixes for similar-ish issues.
code and resources can be found here, but I will also include the code below
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Engine.h"
#include "GameFramework/Actor.h"
#include "Components/InstancedStaticMeshComponent.h"
#include <vector>
#include "Room.h"
#include "MapLayout.generated.h"
class MAPGEN_API AMapLayout : public AActor {
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Map")
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Map Generation")
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Map Generation")
int EXT_LENGTH = 3;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Map Generation")
int ROOM_SIZE = 200;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Map Generation")
int TILE_SIZE = 10;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Map Generation")
float DOOR_WIDTH = 1.5f;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Map Generation")
UStaticMesh* FloorMesh;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Map Generation")
UStaticMesh* DoorMesh;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Map Generation")
UStaticMesh* WallMesh;
UInstancedStaticMeshComponent* floor_ISMC;
UInstancedStaticMeshComponent* door_ISMC;
UInstancedStaticMeshComponent* wall_ISMC;
// Called when the game starts or when spawned
virtual void BeginPlay() override;
#include "MapLayout.h"
std::vector<Room*> rooms; // stores a pointer to each room in the map
* Checks if a there is a room that already exists at a given coordinate
bool validLoc(int x, int y) {
for (int i = 0; i < rooms.size(); i++)
if ((*rooms[i]).posEquals(x, y))
return false;
return true;
* Generates a new room in the main chain of rooms
Room* genNextRoom() {
Room *last = rooms[rooms.size() - 1]; // get a pointer to the most recently created room in the chain
int dir = FMath::RandRange(0, 2); // choose a random direction to place the next room in, (dont go DOWN because its easy to get locked in and no extra rooms can be added)
int x = last->x; // get the x position of the last room
int y = last->y; // get the y position of the last room
switch (dir) { // calculate the coordinate of the new room going in the random direction
case 0: x = last->x + 1; break; // if the new room is to the left, x = last.x + 1
case 1: y = last->y + 1; break; // if the new room is above, y = last.y + 1
case 2: x = last->x - 1; break; // if the new room is to the right, x = last.x - 1
if (!validLoc(x, y)) // check if the location of the new room is not already occupied by another room
return genNextRoom(); // if the room wasnt valid then try again (random has a good chance not to try the same direction again) [can RARELY cause a stack overflow]
Room* next = new Room(x, y, dir, last); // get a pointer to the new room
next->addDoor(); // create a doorway between this room and the last room
return next; // return a pointer to the new room
* Generates any rooms that extend off of the main chain.
* @param current A pointer to the Room that extensions should be added on to
* @param extend The number of recursive extensions should be made on this tile (dont make this big, like 2..3 is sufficent)
void genExtRooms(Room* current, int extend) {
std::vector<Room*> validPos; // stores a pointer to each RoomPosition that is in a valid location
int x = current->x + 1;
int y = current->y;
if (validLoc(x, y)) validPos.push_back(new Room(x, y, 0, current)); // Create a temporary room to the left if there is no room already there
x = current->x;
y = current->y + 1;
if (validLoc(x, y)) validPos.push_back(new Room(x, y, 1, current)); // Create a temporary room above if there is no room already there
x = current->x - 1;
y = current->y;
if (validLoc(x, y)) validPos.push_back(new Room(x, y, 2, current)); // Create a temporary room to the right if there is no room already there
x = current->x;
y = current->y - 1;
if (validLoc(x, y)) validPos.push_back(new Room(x, y, 3, current)); // Create a temporary room below if there is no room already there
int numRooms = FMath::RandRange(0, 2); // pick a random number of rooms to add onto the current room (0..2)
while (numRooms-- > 0 && validPos.size() > 0) { // while we should still add another room and there is another valid location for an adjacent room
int index = FMath::RandRange(0, validPos.size() - 1); // randomly pick one of the available Rooms
Room *nextRoom = validPos[index]; // get the chosen room from the list of valid rooms
nextRoom->addDoor(); // create a door between the new room and the current room
rooms.push_back(nextRoom); // add the new Room's pointer to the list of rooms
if (extend > 0) genExtRooms(nextRoom, extend - 1); // recursively call self so that each extension room on the main chain has a chance to be extended farther
validPos[index] = validPos.back(); // overwrite the used Room in the list of availble rooms to remove it from the list
validPos.pop_back(); // remove the duplicate created by the overwrite
AMapLayout::AMapLayout() {
USphereComponent* SphereComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject<USphereComponent>(TEXT("RootComponent")); // create a sphere to use as the root of the map generator
RootComponent = SphereComponent; // set the sphere as the root component
floor_ISMC = CreateDefaultSubobject<UInstancedStaticMeshComponent>(TEXT("Floor Instances")); // create the instanced mesh component for placing floors down for each room
floor_ISMC->AttachToComponent(RootComponent, FAttachmentTransformRules::KeepWorldTransform); // make it a child of the root component
door_ISMC = CreateDefaultSubobject<UInstancedStaticMeshComponent>(TEXT("Door Instances")); // create the instanced mesh component for placing doors between each room
door_ISMC->AttachToComponent(RootComponent, FAttachmentTransformRules::KeepWorldTransform); // make it a child of the root component
wall_ISMC = CreateDefaultSubobject<UInstancedStaticMeshComponent>(TEXT("Wall Instances")); // create the instanced mesh component for placing walls
wall_ISMC->AttachToComponent(RootComponent, FAttachmentTransformRules::KeepWorldTransform); // make it a child of the root component
// Called when the game starts
void AMapLayout::BeginPlay() {
/* Setup variables and clearing old information */
this->RegisterAllComponents(); // Make sure all components are registered
floor_ISMC->SetStaticMesh(FloorMesh); // Set the mesh to use for the floor
floor_ISMC->ClearInstances(); // Clear any instances already on the map
door_ISMC->SetStaticMesh(DoorMesh); // Set the mesh to use for the doors
door_ISMC->ClearInstances(); // Clear any instances already on the map
wall_ISMC->SetStaticMesh(WallMesh); // Set the mesh to use for the walls in each room
wall_ISMC->ClearInstances(); // Clear any instances already on the map
Room::ROOM_SIZE = ROOM_SIZE; // Set the size of rooms for the Room class
Room::TILE_SIZE = TILE_SIZE; // Set the size of tiles for the Room class
Room::DOOR_WIDTH = DOOR_WIDTH * TILE_SIZE; // Set the size of doorways for the Room class
rooms.clear(); // Clear any rooms stored from the last run
rooms.push_back(new Room()); // Create the first room in the map
int roomCount = FMath::RandRange(MAIN_CHAIN_MIN, MAIN_CHAIN_RAND + MAIN_CHAIN_MIN); // Calculate how many rooms should be in the main chain of rooms
/* Generate the main chain of rooms */
for (int i = 0; i < roomCount; i++) // For each room that should be created
rooms.push_back(genNextRoom()); // Generate a new room in a valid location adjacent to the previous room
/* Generate extension rooms branching off the main chain of rooms */
for (int i = 0; i < roomCount - 1; i++) // For all rooms in the main chain besides the last room (the exit)
genExtRooms(rooms[i], EXT_LENGTH); // Generate rooms that branch off in different directions
/* Start placing the objects in the world */
for (int i = 0; i < rooms.size(); i++) { // For every room that was generated
Room *cur = rooms[i]; // Store a pointer to the current room
/* Place the floor for the room in the world */
floor_ISMC->AddInstance(cur->getWorldPosition()); // Create an instance of the floor mesh in the world location
/* Place doors in the world */
std::vector<FTransform> doorPos = cur->getDoorPositions(); // Get the location of all the doors in the room
for (int j = 0; j < doorPos.size(); j++) // For each door
door_ISMC->AddInstance(doorPos[j]); // Create an instance of it in the world
/* Place walls around each room */
std::vector<FTransform> wallPos = cur->getWallPositions(); // Get the location of all the walls in the room
for (int j = 0; j < wallPos.size(); j++) // For each wall
wall_ISMC->AddInstance(wallPos[j]); // Create an instance of it in the world
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include <vector>
* An object that represents an individual room in the level
class MAPGEN_API Room {
struct Coord { // stores the real world coordinates of components in the room, ex: walls, doors
float x; // the x position of the object
float y; // the y position of the object
int worldX; // coodinate location of this room in world units
int worldY; // coodinate location of this room in world units
static int EDGE_OFFSET; // constant value for the offset from the center of a room to the edge
static int DOOR_OFF_RNG; // constant value for how far a door can be offset from the center of a wall
Room* last; // stores a pointer to the previous room in the chain
std::vector<Coord> doors; // stores the location of each door in the room
float left; // stores the position of the door on the left wall if there is one
float above; // stores the position of the door on the upper wall if there is one
float right; // stores the position of the door on the right wall if there is one
float below; // stores the position of the door on the lower wall if there is one
* Gets the side of a room a door is on
int getDoorSide(Coord door);
int x; // coordinate location of this room in relation to other rooms
int y; // coordinate location of this room in relation to other rooms
int dir; // stores the direction to the previous room
static int ROOM_SIZE; // constant value for the size in world units of each room
static int TILE_SIZE; // constant value for the size of each tile in world units
static float DOOR_WIDTH;
Room(int x = 0, int y = 0, int dir = -1, Room* last = NULL);
* Add a door between this room and the previous room in the chain
void addDoor();
* Add a door between this room and the previous room in the chain (only called from other Room objects)
* @param doorPos The coordinates of the door on the new room, to be reveresed on this room so the doors line up
void addDoorEntrance(Coord doorPos);
* Checks if this room already exists at the given coordinates
bool posEquals(int x, int y);
* Gets the FTransform of where this room should be located in the world space
FTransform getWorldPosition();
* Gets the FTansform for every door belonging to this Room
std::vector<FTransform> getDoorPositions();
* Gets the FTansform for every wall belonging to this Room
std::vector<FTransform> getWallPositions();
#include "Room.h"
/* Init static constants */
int Room::ROOM_SIZE;
int Room::TILE_SIZE;
float Room::DOOR_WIDTH;
int Room::EDGE_OFFSET = (ROOM_SIZE / 2) - (TILE_SIZE / 2);
int Room::DOOR_OFF_RNG = (ROOM_SIZE / TILE_SIZE) / 2 - 4; // doors are 4 tiles wide + keeps doors atleast 2 tiles from a corner
Room::Room(int x, int y, int dir, Room* last) {
this->x = x;
this->y = y;
this->dir = dir;
this->last = last;
this->worldX = x * ROOM_SIZE; // calculate this rooms position in world space
this->worldY = y * ROOM_SIZE; // calculate this rooms position in world space
left = ROOM_SIZE + worldY + DOOR_WIDTH; // simulate no door (distance is always larger than distance to a door, which would prevent a wall from spawning there)
above = ROOM_SIZE + worldX + DOOR_WIDTH; // simulate no door (distance is always larger than distance to a door, which would prevent a wall from spawning there)
right = ROOM_SIZE + worldY + DOOR_WIDTH; // simulate no door (distance is always larger than distance to a door, which would prevent a wall from spawning there)
below = ROOM_SIZE + worldX + DOOR_WIDTH; // simulate no door (distance is always larger than distance to a door, which would prevent a wall from spawning there)
void Room::addDoor() {
Coord doorPos; // stores the location of a door in world space
doorPos.x = 0; // coordinates allways start at 0
doorPos.y = 0; // coordinates allways start at 0
int door_offset = FMath::RandRange(-DOOR_OFF_RNG, DOOR_OFF_RNG) * TILE_SIZE; // pick a random tile to shift the door by (so doors are not always centered on each wall)
switch (this->dir) { // determine what wall the door is on
case 0: // if the door is on the left wall
doorPos.x -= EDGE_OFFSET; // set its x position to be on the left wall
doorPos.y += door_offset; // set its y position to be a random spot along the left wall
left = doorPos.y + worldY; // cache the offset location of this door in world cordinates to be used for wall placement
case 1: // if the door is on the above wall
doorPos.y -= EDGE_OFFSET; // set its y position to be on the above wall
doorPos.x += door_offset; // set its x position to be a random spot along the above wall
above = doorPos.x + worldX; // cache the offset location of this door in world cordinates to be used for wall placement
case 2: // if the door is on the right wall
doorPos.x += EDGE_OFFSET; // set its x position to be on the right wall
doorPos.y += door_offset; // set its y position to be a random spot along the right wall
right = doorPos.y + worldY; // cache the offset location of this door in world cordinates to be used for wall placement
case 3: // if the door is on the bottom wall
doorPos.y += EDGE_OFFSET; // set its y position to be on the bottom wall
doorPos.x += door_offset; // set its x position to be a random spot along the bottom wall
below = doorPos.x + worldX; // cache the offset location of this door in world cordinates to be used for wall placement
this->doors.push_back(doorPos); // add the door to the list of doors for this room
last->addDoorEntrance(doorPos); // add a door on the previous room that connects to the new door on this room
void Room::addDoorEntrance(Coord doorPos) {
/* flip the direction of the door so it lines up with the door on the new room */
if (abs(doorPos.x) == EDGE_OFFSET) doorPos.x = -doorPos.x;
else if (abs(doorPos.y) == EDGE_OFFSET) doorPos.y = -doorPos.y;
/* cache the offset location of this door in world cordinates to be used for wall placement */
switch (getDoorSide(doorPos)) {
case 0: left = doorPos.y + worldY; break;
case 1: above = doorPos.x + worldX; break;
case 2: right = doorPos.y + worldY; break;
case 3: below = doorPos.x + worldX; break;
this->doors.push_back(doorPos); // add the door to the list of doors for this room
int Room::getDoorSide(Coord door) {
if (door.x == -EDGE_OFFSET) return 0;
else if (door.y == -EDGE_OFFSET) return 1;
else if (door.x == EDGE_OFFSET) return 2;
return 3; //else if (door.y == EDGE_OFFSET) , This will never be somthing else because a Door will always have 1 coordinate = EDGE_OFFSET
bool Room::posEquals(int x, int y) {
if (this->x == x && this->y == y)
return true;
return false;
FTransform Room::getWorldPosition() {
return FTransform(FVector(this->x * ROOM_SIZE, this->y * ROOM_SIZE, 0));
std::vector<FTransform> Room::getDoorPositions() {
std::vector<FTransform> doorPositions; // stores the FTransform for all doors in this room
for (int i = 0; i < this->doors.size(); i++) { // for every door
Coord door = doors[i];
FTransform trans_door = FTransform(FVector(door.x + worldX, door.y + worldY, 0)); // create the FTransform using the world coordinates of the door
trans_door.SetRotation(FQuat::MakeFromEuler({ 0.f, 0.f, getDoorSide(door) * 90.0f })); // rotate the door to match the wall it is against
doorPositions.push_back(trans_door); // add the FTransform to the list
return doorPositions; // return the list of FTransforms for all the doors
std::vector<FTransform> Room::getWallPositions() {
std::vector<Coord> wallPositions;
/* calculates the range of world coordinates that this room occupies */
float startX = worldX - EDGE_OFFSET;
float endX = worldX + EDGE_OFFSET;
float startY = worldY - EDGE_OFFSET;
float endY = worldY + EDGE_OFFSET;
/* Calculate wall positions around the edge of the room */
/* This is kindof hard to explain step by step but basically it puts a wall on every tile that is on the edge of room
* if the distance from the cached door location for that wall and that particular peice of wall is less than the width of the door then dont place that wall peice.
Coord wall;
for (int i = 0; i < ROOM_SIZE; i += TILE_SIZE) {
/* place wall peice on the top wall */
wall.x = startX + i;
wall.y = startY;
if (abs(wall.x - above) >= DOOR_WIDTH) wallPositions.push_back(wall);
/* place wall peice on the bottom wall */
wall.x = startX + i;
wall.y = endY;
if (abs(wall.x - below) >= DOOR_WIDTH) wallPositions.push_back(wall);
for (int i = TILE_SIZE; i < ROOM_SIZE - TILE_SIZE; i += TILE_SIZE) { // top/bottom walls cover the corner peices so dont also do corners with the left/right
/* place wall peice on the left wall */
wall.x = startX;
wall.y = startY + i;
if (abs(wall.y - left) >= DOOR_WIDTH) wallPositions.push_back(wall);
/* place wall peice on the right wall */
wall.x = endX;
wall.y = startY + i;
if (abs(wall.y - right) >= DOOR_WIDTH) wallPositions.push_back(wall);
/* create an FTransform for each wall and return them in a list */
std::vector<FTransform> walls;
for (int i = 0; i < wallPositions.size(); i++) {
Coord wall = wallPositions[i];
walls.push_back(FTransform(FVector(wall.x, wall.y, 0)));
return walls;