Hot Reload has been virtually useless since 4.17 - still not scheduled for a fix?

I love Unreal Engine without the bugs and for me who is new at using the engine, I don’t know when I do something wrong as oppose to the engine bugging out which makes it really hard for me to learn the tool. Now I am just stopped hot-reload and use the visual studio debug to start the engine. It increased my loading times but atleast i don’t have bugs. I am scared to use Live++ as I don’t understand if it’s going to do hot-reload if my header files changes or how it will work in debug mode from Visual Studio and when Live++ gets triggered.

Llive++ won’t trigger hot reload. It will eventually fail to build or patch running app :wink:

How do you add C++ classes whilst live++ is on? It says I must quit the editor, build the editor and restart. But after I restart, it doesn’t show the C++ class I made and a bunch of header files error like missing _Generated.h file and so on.

Seems like I have to Refresh Visual Studio Project every time I add a class whilst live coding is on.

It’s not related to Live Coding. If you’re adding class manually via file explorer or downloading added/removed classes from the repo, you have to regenerate project files.

So you are not suppose to add classes view Unreal Editor?

No idea. I never needed to view classes in the editor.
In the beginning, I was creating C++ classes through the editor, but it was annoying. Actor class template is full of comments you only need the first time. Hate them.
Plus often I don’t BeginPlay() and EndPlay(), this template isn’t very useful… It should be used by some tutorial, not the regular class wizard.*
And I never could understand why during class creation .uproject file ended up automatically modified - creator adds some garbage “additional modules” entry, which I’d always delete…

Tried VS class creator, never liked it with C++ and game development.

Usually I’m simply copy-pasting the existing class to create a new one. That satisfies my laziness. Often, I add a class of common type: inheriting after game’s character class, item class. Or one of few classes typical to our game’s system or tool. I prefer quickly cutting a few hundreds line of code than cleaning up this dumb class template or adding a lot of typical “unreal C++” code from scratch.

  • UE4 has the same issue with blueprints. Automatically adding Tick event to every new blueprint - so everybody is abusing Tick in blueprints, they don’t know they could use Timer instead…