Hello Answerhub!!
I have a question that I cannot seem to figure out! I have a project I made for a CGMA class, and I would like to open it up again after a month or so of letting it sit. It’s a big boy. I thought it would be “OK”, lol, to do a quick update from 4.25.2 to 4.25.3 upon reopening it… Thought it was a little quick update that wouldn’t do much… Well. I can no longer open the project. It lingers at 95% for a couple seconds then completely tanks my CPU and crashes. ? I have done a lot of digging on what it could be. Plugins, Graphics Cards, old files, old caches, code fixes. No dice. I have a lot of backups of the project and they are acting the same way? Would love to get back to the 4.25.2 version when pastures were greener. It seems that it is impossible to get a former hot-fix version back on the engine. HELP! Nothing changed on the project besides the Hot-Fix update.