Host window doesn't handle inputs while client window does

Hi, I’m new to UE5 and I’m trying to create a little project to discover it.

Currently I have a menu which allows me to host, search and join a session. When connected to the session, the user arrives in a lobby (menu lobby, I mean with widgets). When each player clicks on the ready button the game start. To run the game level for each player I’m using the Execute Console Command blueprint with serverTravel GameMap.

My problem is, I’m trying to wait for all players before spawing them. Attach you can find my blueprint that I’m using in my GameMode.

What I’m trying to do is: As long as there is no 2 players, I wait. When there are 2 players I instantiate and spawn the actors.
So, first time, the blueprint just add the new player inside the playerControllers array and leave. Second time, after adding the new player, the blueprint will create the characters.

This is not totally working. I mean, my 2 players are created and spwaned, but I only can play with the second player (the client). The host window doesn’t handle my keyboard / mouse.
I’ve tried to remove all the “waiting part”, when the event Starting New player is triggered, I directly spawn the actor amd this is perfectly working. My host and client work well, both windows handle my keyboard/mouse.

I don’t understand why when I’m waiting for all players my host window can’t handle my inputs and how to fix that.

Thank you :slight_smile: