Host Migration EU5 (EOS) 2023 C++

I am sick to my stomach reading this. I’ve have been going round nowhere wasting days off trying to get this stupid thing to work. I did think it was odd that in some of the examples it definitely references modules related to the old OSS plugin.

I am going to try these changes and see where that gets me. If I can ever get this working. Lessons have been learned.

Pick an Engine Version and don’t get baited into upgrading to new and incomplete features.

Seems they fixed a lot of things since a posted this post…

Now only need this and it does works



And include this modules:


But as far i know… there is not host migration yet

And just for clarity…When I want to test functionality with ACTUALLY having a user log into their account I would change the default from, “Null”, to ,“EOS”, or, “EPIC”?

I also want to ask? if you have an example of how you integrated authorization interface because I am still having trouble making this work?

I am still learning c++ but from what I have attempted several different ways I have not succeeded in doing so. Even as far as trying to call methods in that interface and nothing happens?
I did implement your suggested changes BUT I am still having a bit of trouble.

I think so!!
I have somthing like this:

//UE::Online::EOnlineServices CurrentOnlineServices = UE::Online::EOnlineServices::Default;
void ULoginSubsystem::OnLoginComplete(bool Result)
	if (Result)
		UOnlineServicesProvider::CurrentOnlineServices = UE::Online::EOnlineServices::Epic;		

	NullLogin(FEOSOnLoginResultDelegate());//->no implemented
	UOnlineServicesProvider::CurrentOnlineServices = UE::Online::EOnlineServices::Null;

I did it using this playlist

Do not use OnlineSubsystem anymore. It is deprecated!!
Use OnlineServices instead!!

Best Regards!!

what the heck is everyone talking about EOS being deprecated? Did I miss something? It’s 5.4 and there’s still development progress going on for EOS.

Using Online Services or Online Subsystem

Unreal Engine (UE) now provides two frameworks for accessing online services: Online Services and Online Subsystem. Read on to determine which is right for your project.

Online Services

The Online Services plugins have not been tested in shipping titles. As of UE 5.1, the Online Services plugins are an API-complete version for developers to use with the intention that they will be shipping on a future version of the engine. We also recommend using Online Services for developers targeting their own backend, or those who will be incorporating a number of UE upgrades beyond 5.1 into their project before shipping.

Online Subsystem

Use the Online Subsystem for any title shipping in the near future, or when you do not plan to incorporate any engine upgrades beyond UE 5.1 into the project.

Anyway “Online Services” is a bug with some code… i have been using it for a year… it is completely unusefull… I hate Epic for this… the says use this and this is a crap… the make me waste my time… i won’t report bugs anymore… and i won’t use new features anymore too untill they are complitely tested and consolidate.

You can still using EOS

Now i know the reason…
Use “nullptr” for raw pointers.
Use “IsValid()” for UObject pointers

Last time I tried OnlineServices a few months ago it was missing critical things, pretty much unusable.
And subsystem is deprecated.

It’s a poor situation we’re in. I really wanted to integrate EOS in my project, but this is looking BAD.
Will probably skip it and use other services.

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Yes, i agree… i had a bad experience too…
Read this if you want:
Best regads!!