Edit: 26.02.2020 Finished the Demo Scene finally
// There now a tread in the Marketplace Section. Future updates will be there. Forumlink
Hello everyone,
I’m currently brainstorming some ideas for my next Asset Pack on the Unreal Marketplace. It will be called “Horror Living Room” and in the same style as my other Pack “Horror Dining Room” (Preview ArtstationLink).
So far I like to include:
- an old TV
- a Couch
- Ceiling lamp
- small table
- draggable door (like that in Horror Dining Room but different mesh ect.)
- cupboard
- cobwebs
- floor, ceiling and wall materials
- …
So if anyone wants anything specific in there that would fit the scenery I would love to hear about it and try my best to include it. 
If you also have ideas that would better fit to my “Horror Dining Room” Pack you can post it there Forum linkand I will try to include it in a future update.
PS: I’m also developing a game called “A Story of Hope” you can check the WIP Thread out here 
Finished the TV today. You will be able to rotate every Button
And you can play movies on it
There are more Screenshots on Artstation
Finished the couch with removable Pillows yesterday.
Artstation Link
Lamp is finally ready
There will be two variants one on the sailing and the other one laying on the ground(Images will follow).
I added two on ground Versions of the Ceiling Lamp.
Finished the table today
Artstation Link
Cabinet is ready
Artstation Link
Radiator Ready
I added a simple Blueprint, so that the size is fully variable.
Just a quick update, working on modular walls
Will show more soon.
I just finished the modular walls. I will add more Parts later.
Added new frames. I’m using some public domain images for demonstration purposes. You can freely exchange the Pictures and use your own.
Finished some Books. You can hide the text and randomize the color as well 
These looks great, good job on the details. Can’t wait to see more
Thank you
New images with carpets and candles will follow soon.
Carpets are ready. It’s also possible to turn off the parallax effect.
Finished the candles today. So it’s nearly done 
Finished the last meshes today. Will now work on some Blueprints and write a post on the Marketplace Forums 
Finished the Book and Radiator Blueprints. So it’s now possible to create Heaters at variable length and different kinds of Book piles and Book rows.