Kind of a dumb question. I’ve been working on a project for months and I started with Horror Engine just to get something to start with. The thing is that Horror Engine has a smooth camera that I want to get rid of. I don’t want the camera to be smooth.
The camera does not have any spring arm with a lag input.
The “Look Settings” looks like this. I don’t see anything that could make the camera smooth
Also, inside your BP, click on camera, right click, select find references, then click on the binoculars icon to search for all external BPs referencing that camera. This is to check if additional controls exist outside your player BP.
Big thanks for the replies! @L.F.A Thanks for the reference reminder!! Never thought of using this on the Camera. Turns out the spring arms were added by blueprint with the camera lag and everything. Huge thanks, I’ve been looking for this since a long time ago.