Horror Engine New Error

I get This Error When i Try To Add Wiedget To Object : Door , Window , ETC

Screenshot 08-16-2024 14.15.42


Screenshot 08-16-2024 14.14.53
Screenshot 08-16-2024 14.16.17
Screenshot 08-16-2024 14.16.38
Screenshot 08-16-2024 14.16.38

The current value of the ’ Instanced Struct ’ pin is invalid: ‘Instanced Struct’ in action ‘Reset’ must have an input wired into it (“by ref” params expect a valid input to operate on).

‘self’ is already a ‘Door 1’ (which inherits from ‘Use’), so you don’t need Cast To Use generated from expanding HM Check Interaction .

i fix it thanks for help guys

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