Horde - How to use it

Did anybody managed to use Horde ? I tried to run it, it kind of works. Well I can get responses from API class, but can’t run dashboard.

I can’t event assume what it is for, since the API is wide and cover quite a bit o things.

Cloud someone provide some explanation of what it might be used for ?

It is CI/CD system, similar to Jenkins or TeamCity but made specifically for Unreal. I also did not manage to run the dashboard without errors. I guess we need to wait until it is officially announced and docs are provided. I read it is also replacing metadata server for UGS.

I am a newbie, and also tried to build Horde and didn’t work yet. My error is when run EpicGames.Perforce.Native project. Several files can not be found like
cannot open source file “CoreTypes.sh”
cannot open source file “p4/clientapi.h”
After i checked, the files wasn’t there. Do you have idea how to fix this?