Please do the memory for things much cheaper its very hard to do a map with that memory pls add more memory or do things much cheaper even just a bike spawner is 9000 pls if you will do things much cheaper it will very help the community pls.
Hope you see it
And make it happen.
@korenashkenazi Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.
Hi, I hope this helps while you are waiting for a reply from the guys at UEFN watch this video if you haven’t already seen it, it’s very informative on the use of memory for your maps, the devices that you add and I agree, are memory intensive but by optimizing your overall map you could see the benefits from doing this. 【HISM / ISM】レベル上のStaticMeshをHISMに一括変換する | Community tutorial