Homing Projectile not homing to enemy

Hi guys,

So I was making a homing projectile to test out the feature as I’d never used it before, and when I tried getting it to home in on the enemy it doesn’t fire. Here’s the blueprint:

What it’s doing is getting the player’s character (it’s a multiplayer game) and spawns the projectile slightly in front of the character. It should set the homing target to be my enemy character, but instead it just fires forward.

Any ideas would be helpful. Thanks.

Well I am not too familiar with the internals of the Homing Projectile (not sure if it is part of UE4 or if you built it custom) but I do know the ProjectileMovementComponent requires a target set with “HomingTargetComponent” and setting bHomingProjectile to true. If that is not being set in your Homing Weapon Actor… I know it’s kind of an “Is your computer plugged in answer” but usually in UE4 when things don’t work it is usually something “stupid” as I always say (something small and dumb that I forgot to do like flipping on a bool flag). Of course it could also be a bug…

The homing weapon is set to true. And it’s a built in UE4 thing.

I believe the ‘Homing Target Component’ has to be a scene component, hence the mesh being passed in. Yet it still only fires forward.

You also have to set ‘Homing Acceleration Magnitude’. If that is 0, then it will have no acceleration towards the target.
I’m assuming you have ‘IsHomingProjectile’ set to true before setting the Target.

Thanks a lot for this.

I had mine set to one thinking it would be enough, but it wasnt. I boosted it to a higher value and my missles are now homing.
