HoloLens2 VisualStudio Remote Debugging

I can’t seem to get HoloLens remote debugging to work with VisualStudio 2019 and Unreal Engine 4.27. I have tested it works with DirectX11 UWP app template (the program launches on the device and debugger works as expected), but with Unreal projects VisualStudio hangs at deploy.

In Binaries/HoloLens directory there are *_x64.appx files (but no *_arm64.appx files), so it looks like x64 binaries are built for instead of arm64 binaries. What specific setup I need to get this work?

I’m facing the same issue.
My goal is to live debug my unreal hololens app.
Aftre some try arounds I located the problem in the deploying process. I tried to deploy the app via Visual Studio 22 in Shipping configuration to Hololens (via Remote Machine setup).
Side Note: The project was succesfully deployed via Unreal Editor in same configuration via Remote Connection.

Following Error Oucours when try running app (start without Debugging).

Acoording to the previous post I’ve inspected the binary folder and could only located x64 build files (even the target device was HoloLens).

I m using following settup:

  • Host OS: Windows 11
  • Unreal Engine: 5.0.3
  • Visual Studio 22
  • Hololens 2: 10.0.22621.1266

Any suggestions?