Hi, so I’ve been trying to get my UE4 scene working on a newly-installed Hololens 2. I’ve got an Oculus Rift S also attached to my PC, which I’ve been using successfully. The project I created with UE4 used the Hololens pre-canned setup, with the gears appearing, and I’ve modified it from there.
I have the Hololens 2 itself running, and can use the apps on it. I’ve also successfully paired it with my PC via Wi-Fi, in that I can go to and my Hololens 2 returns a webpage saying “HoloLens status: Everything looks good”. So there don’t seem to be any obvious faults.
To try to connect with UE4, I run the Holographic Remoting Player (v2.7.0.0) on the Hololens, and it says, “Waiting for connection on”. I then go to the ‘Platforms - Windows Mixed Reality’ tab in UE4 in Project Settings. I’ve got the ‘Enable Remoting for Editor’ option ticked there (and the needed editor restart has been done).
I then type that IP address ( into the ‘IP of HoloLens to remote to’, and click Connect. But all I get is some red text below the Disconnect button saying “Cannot Connect, see log for Errors”. And that’s it. I tried looking for logs, but all I could find recently changed in my AppData\Local\Temp was a file called ‘UnrealCrcMiniLogV2_14972.log’, which only contains some non ASCII characters, and:
Any ideas why I can’t connect to the Hololens 2 from UE4? I tried creating a fresh Hololens project in a new directory, but it has the same result as well.