Hello guys! So question is: how I can get rid of this “holes” in nav mesh? There were some sprites in those places, and I deleted them, but at these spots nav mesh still can’t be build or something. It looks like it keeps information about those sprites somewhere. Probably it’s not a bug - need advice. Thank you!
A) have you tried rebuilding your lighting
b) have you tried going into landscape mode and selectiong and then adding squares back in?
It looks to me like shadows from previous objects that got deleted and lighting was never rebuitl.
Hope this helps
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Hey Kajemyaka,
Have you tried to rebuild your paths after deleting sprites?
Also, check in Project Settings > Navigation Mesh to see if it’s set to Force Rebuild paths:
There’s also a setting for this in RecastNavMesh actor in your level, accessible in Details panel while it is selected.
Hope that helps! Let me know if rebuilding paths doesn’t resolve issue.
Yeeees, Force Rebuild in Project settings made it! Thanks a lot!
For anyone struggling with this, rebuilding paths wasn’t enough for me.
To fix that, I also found interesting object on my map, which is generated by NavMeshBoundsVolume, named RecastNavMesh-Default. You can see it on screen. Simply delete it if there is some weird hole in NavMesh and rebuild paths/geometry as in another answer.
In that RecastNavMesh-Default, I also found an option called “Draw Path Colliding Geometry”, which showed me what was causing problematic hole. Indeed, there was a collision in spot, but no object to cause that collision. collision was outdated as I moved object slightly above it.
Have a good day!