Holding Jump is framerate dependent

Steps to recreate;

  1. Create new 3D Sidescroller project, add Set Max Jump Hold Time node and set to 1.
  2. Open level BP, add console command node, set to t.maxFPS 10.
  3. Delete the floating platforms/ledges. Jump. The character’s forehead passes just above the back wall.
  4. Set t.maxFPS to 120. Jump. The character’s waist now reaches the visual edge of the back wall - they jumped higher.

This might not be a problem for regular scale games with tiny little hops but for a game with slightly-smaller-than-average characters and longer jump hold times, it really affects gameplay.


I have been able to reproduce your issue, and have entered a bug report (UE-23695). Thank you for your report.

Have a great day,

Sean Flint