Hold input action is delayed, how to make it more instant?

I have set up a hold to sprint function which works, but noticed it takes a few seconds for the hold to register. Is there a way to make this more instant?

Current BP

As you are using the new enhanced input system, maybe you accidentally added a hold trigger to the input. Have you checked IA_Sprint and your input mapping?

yes, enhanced input and it does have hold because I am wanting it to be held to sprint

thats not what hold means, hold is for ‘longpress’ situations

you want the bool and then on started enable sprint and on completed disable

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trigger modifiers add a condition for inputs to fire. If you hover over them in the triggers dropdown menu you can read their functions in more detail.

If you want simple results from inputs just leave them as is and it should be fine :+1:

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ah I see! Thank you guys! Will get this working tonight

Thanks again for the help! Got it working

use started not triggered, triggered repeats basically on tick, you only need to set it once.

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