Hi !
I have problem with blueprint. I want hold for example “Q” for 3 seconds and then play my event. I try do something like in a picture. It’s my first blueprint Sorry about my English
Please help
Hi !
I have problem with blueprint. I want hold for example “Q” for 3 seconds and then play my event. I try do something like in a picture. It’s my first blueprint Sorry about my English
Please help
Look for Get Input Key Time Down node in the library section of your BP. You can use that, compare the time with 3 and then set a boolean with that comparison(or just use a compare float macro)
I try do something with this node but it not work :C I try make hacking system like in Watch_Dogs
Please help i need it !
When i go into trigger i must hold button (3 secs) and then fire event (ex. light on). I hope you understand
I havent played Watch Dogs so i dont know what you are trying to do. You need to show more of your BP setup and give more info on what the system should be doing.
Oh, it just occurred to me, use >= instead of == and see if it works now.
YEA !!! I replace == to <= and now works ! Thanks !!!
Is there a way to do this but not use the input key held function? I would like to have remappable keys and from what I understand, this wouldn’t work for that situation?