Hogwarts legacy download bug

Hi! so i have this very annoying bug with the downloading of hogarts legacy. When i start downloading, at first it start with the good size of download (80g) but after a while it switches to 120 an after 360G!!! I’ve never see that and at the moment the support is not helping at all. Hopefully some others had the same problem and found a fix? I tried everything, deleting epig game, restarting my pc, everything is up to date and the app is in my firewall exclusions. I dont have any problem downloading on steam or any other game for that instance so the problem is not my pc…

Thanks in advance!

Sounds like a classic data corruption. Create a new partition and format it (no quick format), see if that helps.

edit: you can also google that code for more solutions / steps.

thanks for the reply! i googled the error code and done what they said but it doesnt work. I dont know how to create a partition and formate it. Ive never done that and so not at ease with this method since i dont what what it will do to my ssd.