Hey everyone. This is probably a long shot, but wanted to see if there’s a person out there with similar interest(s), so here it goes:
What’s the project about?
I am looking for a programmer to team up with, to create either a parkour/momentum based game, something like Mirror’s Edge with a very minimalistic approach, considering it would give a boost when it comes to level readability and scalability issues, or episodic horror games, something in regards of “Fear to Fathom”. Episodic approach could be something that we can finish and polish in a relatively short amount of time, put it into a marketplace/our portfolio and move onto the next chapter, but developing something that’d take a longer time is also fine by me, if there’s a chance to gather some community support, both material and nonmaterial for the game.
A little bit about me:
I have 10+ years of experience in 3D modeling, and basically can model any organic/hard surface objects. I am working in the visualization industry, and in my field poly modeling and optimization is > sculpting therefore sculpting characters or animation have never been my priorities, but I had the curiosity to learn about them in my free time, so can manage pulling them off as well, when the time is put into it. I’ve been using Unreal for quite a long time in my workflow, so I can say I am good at using many tools offered within the Engine, with the acception of that there’s always something new and surprising to learn about it.
I am an ex web-dev. This was quite a while ago, so even though I remember most principles in theory, programming has become something that I lost my interest years ago and while in practice I could make us a landing pages and similar things, I have zero interest diving back into it and that would be all of my involvement with programming in the project. I have experience in Blueprints, but it gets quite messy to achieve even bare bone things, a lot of community tutorials that do not even pay a single attention to DRY, and so on… And that’s why I’m looking for a programmer.
What else I can bring into the project and what I am actually looking for
Beside 3D modeling, I can also bring in music/soundscape elements into the game. I’m almost 30 years old, and have been producing music half of my life and on a professional level one might say in the recent years.
I have had the chance to participate in some game jams, and teamed up with people on Reddit before and learnt some lessons, that I would not like to repeat, when it comes to communication and team building, so I’ll be upfront about it; I am not interested working with inexperienced people. I need someone, who knows what they are coding; rather than someone who thinks “he/she’s a blueprint programmer” (I’m not trying to look down on BPers, I also use them as well, but you should know what I’m referring to if you’ve been in this scene for a long time) and just watches videos on Youtube without really knowing what’s going on under the hood, and takes forever to implement simple things.
Clearly, I have nothing against googling or searching for help, when you don’t know something/can’t figure out something. It happens to me, it happens to people who spent half of their life in developing things, it happens to everyone, but what I am trying to address is that, you should know what you are doing, and shouldn’t be googling every single step when it comes to building something.
Therefore I’d like to team up with an experienced programmer and see your previous projects/hear about what you worked on on a technical level. Now I have a full time job, and other responsibilities and hobbies, and I assume it’s the same case for you, so it’d be unrealistic to pour lots of and lots time into this project every day/week. But how I like to work is, setting up some milestones, and trying to achieve within an estimated timeline. It could be delayed a little bit, or completed early but what matters is making progress and staying consistent with it.
If this sounds like something you’d be into, send me a message by saying a few things about yourself, your experience in gamedev or other scenes, and we can see where it could go from there.