Ho to make a mouse on VR?

Hi, i’m trying to make a mouse on a test i’m doing for gear VR, i want a cursor like a crosshair to be in the middle of the view and when i hover it on an object, it triggers a action when clicked. The project i’m trying to do is to put a photo (like an HDR) around the player and when he look at a “target” and press the touchpad it start an sound, or sometimes when it hover a “target” it play a sound too.

I looked for some tutorials but found nothing, any help? thanks and sorry for any mistakes

Use “line trace” to detect what player is looking at. “line trace” check if there actor in specific line, used to detect line of sight and can be used for instand bullet or laser like weapons. In your case line would from eyes to maximum detection distance to direction player looks at. Once you starting to detect actors player looks like, it’s self explanatory as you got actor to interact with and view information about it in some desirable way. Here you have docs about tracing:
