HLOD clusters need rebuilding when opening map after building HLODs via command line

I am trying to build HLODs and lighting using the ResavePackages command let. The light build part work perfectly however when I open the map I just built I get the message that ‘HLOD clusters need to be rebuilt’.

Generating the clusters and building the proxy meshes work fine in editor using the Hierarchical LOD Outliner window.

I decided to write a C++ function I can call from a python script that calls the same functions that get called when using the Hierarchical LOD Outliner window. Calling this script from the editor does exactly as expected, however calling it from command line causes the same issue where the clusters need to be rebuilt upon opening the map.

The logs show the proxy meshes are being created and they are visible in the content browser when I open the editor after running the script. The log also has ‘LogHLOD: HLOD actor in map is not built’ for each LODActor in the map and the HLOD Proxy asset does not have the proxy meshes in the ‘Proxy Meshes’ array, so I can only assume there is an issue saving this asset.

Has anybody had a similar issue or am I missing something obvious here?