Hit result impact point not working

I’ve stuck to UE4 for a while, but today I decided to move to UE5, more pprecisely 5.2. I moved my main project to it, and although a few glitches started apearing, I solved them all. Except for one. My project is a 3D platformer, and it has wall jumping mechanics based on sphere traces. I use the sphere trace to detect if there is a wall to jump from, and the world location of it to launch my character from it. I used the impact point as the location for the wall, because it gives the precise world location of the hit on the wall. Or at least it gave, because after moving to ue5, it suddenly started giving me the default location of 0,0,0 all the time. I tried to test it in the most basic form I could, so I made in one engine a code that gets the hit impact point and draws a debug sphere on it, and then copied it to the another. The same code resulted in different results. Anybody got a fix maybe? Or a replacement perhaps?

it appears to be an engine bug. by making the end point of the sphere trace slightly different then the start one (for example by adding .01 to all axises) the problem seems to be resolved.


I have the same issue after moving to UE5 (5.3.2)
For now your solution seems to be the proper workaround to fix it, thanks!