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Hello all, thanks for reading. I’ve added the hit reaction from the Unreal Content Example project (under the “Physical Animation” map) into my personal project. I managed to get the enemy to react to my line traces.
Next, in addition to have physical hit reaction, I wanted the enemies to ragdoll + impulse on death. However, there seems to be a problem that happens about 1 out of 6 times, where the enemy mesh spins towards the direction of the impulse and stays in idle animation.
I’ve tried setting boolean checks so that the ragdoll & impulse only happens after the enemy is dead, and i’ve also tried using a sequencer so that the impulse occurs after the hit reaction function is called. If I disable hit reaction, the ragdoll and impulse work perfectly fine. I know the issue is with hit reaction but i’m not sure what of it, hope someone can point me in the right direction! Thanks.
Here’s how i trigger both events from my player BP: