Hit Event Doesn't Provide Bone Info for Geometry Collection When Colliding with Components Other Than Capsule

The issue is straightforward: when a Capsule Component triggers a hit event with a Geometry Collection, the Hit structure provides accurate information about the bone of the collection that was impacted. However, if the hit event is triggered by any other component, this information defaults to values like None, 0, etc.

The same problem occurs with overlap events, where the bone information for the Geometry Collection is similarly unavailable.

I have the same problem, but I don’t even get bone information for a capsule collision. I would also be interested whether I miss something… I have a simple actor with a geometry collection in it and I get the following output

LogBlueprintUserMessages: [BP_destruction_C_1] Component hit: StaticMeshComponent0; None ; None ; -1 ; 0 ; 0

with this:

I also tried the actor’s hit event

which also results in no information

LogBlueprintUserMessages: [BP_destruction_C_1] Actor hit: StaticMeshComponent0; None ; None ; -1 ; 0 ; 0

I also printed the hit result info from the actor which is hit by the geometry collection, but this also does not give any bone information.

Depending on the use case, the following might be interesting.

You can bind to “Chaos Physics Collision”, that event gives all kinds of information reliably (at least in my case). The branch gets rid of parts of the geometry collection colliding with itself.