Hit character is weirdly knocked back when hit by projectile

See here:

You’ll notice it if you look closely at the enemy character at around the 3 and 10 second mark. It just jumps out of place. There’s no animations or anything set up with the character (the fade out animation is using a timeline + material parameter), and the movement is just a very basic “AI Move To” node. It looks like it’s being launched when I’m not expecting it to.

Projectile BP is just this (default from the FP blueprint, aside from the Event ActorBeginOverlap)

and I tried cutting the line between Event Hit and the Branch - still the same effect.

At the end of the video, I shot at a cube with simulate physics and it does what is expected (launch the box). There’s no simulate physics set up with the enemy character, so I’m wondering why it’s being “launched” when I hit it.