Hit Actor not clear

I’m firing the projectile from the FP Template Project. Because I lowered the spawn offset of the projectile, I had unwanted behavior. So I set the Projectile to Overlap other Projectiles and Pawns.


Eventhough this, the projectile is still colliding with “itself” and the Player on spawn. So I put some booleans to correct the behavior but the projectile’s On Component Hit isn’t behaving as I’m expecting. Here it is;

The output of the print statement is “BP_PlayerCharacter” but the output of the boolean statement is “true”. Meaning it is hitting my character as I fire the projectile but the boolean statement still prints true.

Here I tried breaking the Hit Result and checking the hit actor from there. Print statement is “BP_ForceProjectile” and hence the boolean statement is true.

So the component my projectile hit was itself? I wasn’t sure, I thought maybe the Hit Actor from the hit result always prints whatever is looking for a hit. Well that’s not the case either. If I hit something else, it prints the name of whatever it is that I hit.
And its not even supposed to hit itself either, because it is set to overlap.

So what is going on here? I’m spawning a projectile that is either hitting itself or the player, which I can’t tell because both "Hit Actor"s are printing different results and the boolean statement is also printing contradicting results.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I’m setting the Pawn collision back to Block after BeginPlay, so if the Projectile is hitting the Player that’s correct. The problem is,
Hit Actor from the hit results says it is hitting itself.
Other Actor from the event call says it is hitting the BP_PlayerCharacter but the boolean statement contradicts this.