HISM, LineTrace, Material, Where and What am I doing wrong

Hello Everyone,

I am trying to use HISM, creating a grid with many meshes,
linetracing a few of them and changing the material for the ones hit.

Problem : The linetrace is (I think at least) working well, it detect a meshes with a Index != -1
but the “changing the material” isn’t working.

I tried to follow :

(also the link just above the message)

So, step by step :

Grid Creation :

collision settings :

Linetrace :

Changing material :

With, in HISM param :

And Material :

And finally, the test :

As you can see,

  1. Why the color of material of HISM isn’t white ?
  2. The linetrace hit something with an index (here it’s 3), but the changing material doesnt happen.

• why white? You’re sending 0,0,0 which translates to black
• flag the last one as dirty

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Thank You ! The main problem is resolved now

I’m sorry I did not see
“Is this not working for you? Also, the dirty flag should be set for the last instance only”
In your previous post…

The white problem isn’t but it’s secondary.
The material is white and I send 0,0,0 only when linetrace hit.

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