Hiring 3D Character Animator - Trigger_Hurt [Blender Rig]

Trigger_Hurt is a unique first and third-person action shooter centered around deathmatch and competitive team-based objective gamemodes. Featuring tons of weapons, kung fu, slow motion, stunts (such as diving, rolling, flips, slides), breakable environments, and more. Ideally we are aiming for a recreation of The Specialists mod for Half-life.

Previous Work:
Double Action: Boogaloo (Mapper & Animator) --Released
Killing, My Friend (Mapper, UI, Website, Tester) --In Development

3D Character Animator - We have a player model rigged and setup in Blender using inverse and forward kinematics as well as isolation. If you use a different program, we’ll have to discuss what our options are.

Experience Required:

  • Previous Game Animation Works
  • Expert Blender Animation
  • General UE4 Animation Handling
  • Bonus: Fan of The Matrix :slight_smile:

We are paying for the total amount of animations of up to $500 or more for around an estimated 130 animations. There is a lot of them to make but could be a lot less depending on the use of blending. We have all of the animations referenced for you to work off of easily within our reference package and a full shared document for you to work from. Animations are easily one of the most prominent features of this game so it’s important you have a great understanding and experience of character animation overall.

If you’re interested, to apply I’ll need a demo of your work and any titles you’ve worked on before, as well as your name and contact information. If you have a different quote in mind for the work then let me know, thanks.


E-mail: dementei89@gmail.com
Discord: Dementei#3204
Skype: xdementeix