Hillside sample, player falls through floor.

Hi all, I’ve been playing around the with Hillside project and I can’t stop my player falling through the floor (but not the water, see video at 11s).

I lifted the Third Person BP straight from a default project. I’ve tried changing the collision’s to the same as the water with no luck. Any help is appreciated.


Hey there @aburns89! So issues like this can arise due to a number of reasons, the most common being the collision settings needing to be corrected, so I’d set them to block all (at least as a test to verify all is working well) for the bridge. If it still doesn’t make the connection, the player capsule could also need correction. I’d have to see your collision details for both objects to verify however.

In the second most common case, there could be collision shape issues. This could stem from the mesh not having a simple collision created for it, or is set to use the complex collision. You can check the object’s collision shapes by opening the object’s mesh details. You can create new simple collisions there as well.

And as a corollary, the water collisions may need to be corrected as well. Here’s a thread with the same issue and how to correct it if you are indeed missing the water channel:

Thank you. So it looks like none of the meshes have any simple collisions applied to them.

What would be the easiest way to add a simple collision box to all the meshes in an entire map? Thanks

I’ve used the property matrix editor with the setting in the image to make sure all of the required meshes have collisions on them.

You’ve got it, property matrix editor is the right way to go! Did you have the water layers or were you just blocking all when walking on the water?

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