Highres screenshot - pause game

Hay guys!

I need some help! usually what you use the forums for so yeah lets go!

I want to take a screenshot, simple right?
Now, i want to take several screenshots, with different post process materials on, still going easy!

Now, the one thing i cant seem to figure, is to actuality PAUSE the game, while taking these screenshot, reason is that i want 100% sync pictures, from the different cameras at same location, but this is not doable with a series of screenshots (6k screenshots), without pausing the game!

So, any suggestions?

I forgot to mention: Trying to take a screenshot while actuality checking the pause boolean to true, makes the game crash!

I suppose you press a button so it would probably be like


Well, this is like, a crash for me. checking pause will make it crash. (talking about the existing boolean pause)

Well your method worked half-way, i deleted the old project, and found that a new one could do it. But now the question is, how do i take a screenshot while the game is paused many times in a row? What i experience now, through pause game - screenshot - unpause game is:
The screenshot is not saved
It only takes one screenshot
The pause game does not work more than 1 time, but only when using this method, if only pause and unpause game, it can do it as many times as it wants.

Yes i have checked “Set tickable when paused”