high-res real time shadows

Unreal 4.22

how do I exactly turn on this feature?

You really should have mentioned this in your first post man… This is probably why Raytracing doesn’t work as expected, because you’re using the first beta release of it. You also don’t have access to the dynamic shadow bias for CSM added in 4.23…

I’m not sure if it has been mentioned already but you can try using contact shadows to cover the gap created by your shadow map. But I don’t know if 4.22 has access to screenspace distance for contact shadows, plus it has its own drawbacks. If it doesn’t then it probably won’t work.

If upgrading to a newer version is an option, you should absolutely do it.

[USER=“1681534”]Heavy Metal Fox[/USER]
I understand it’s quite a bit to ask. But you need to provide more information in your posts when asking for help with something that involves multiple facets of the scene’s lighting and shadowing. It’s not a rule so much as it is practical and allows for more efficient help to be received and discussed. I’m still new to the engine too, and when I encounter a problem, I know it’s not often going to be a simple how-to with up to merely 2 steps suggested by an experienced user / developer. It simply helps in getting help to post a screenshot or two of skylight and directional light settings, maybe certain post process volume settings, and a picture of the problem. To avoid attaching a bunch of files every post, it’s alright to start with one or two screenshots or a few. I’m simply expressing that it’s often more difficult to provide help the less information there is about an issue…especially if it’s an issue that is not common, which isn’t easy to know unless other threads are found in a forum search showing it’s common yet unresolved or the solutions don’t apply to yours.

Anyhow, sorry I couldn’t help get the solution. It becomes daunting after trying a ton of things and not getting the results intended.

Just a completely random and out of the blue suggestion: Wouldn´t it be way easier at this point to just upload this project somewhere, so that everyone interested can download and test it on their own machine?

I agree, where can exactly find the contact shadow option in the camera?

Couldn’t agree more, here a the project with the level, you can clearly see how shadow renders correctly from a close distance in the perceptive camera, but not from a distance when using camera_02 (using unreal 4.22.3)


Ok, after upgrading it to a 4.25 Project, your problem is gone. But it seems, some of your other settings caused some new problems, as i had to disable your skydome to see anything.

4.25 copy of your project:

For 4.22, whatever i found online, did not work. So instead of trying to make it working with 4.22, you should consider simply upgrading to 4.25 To do that, install the 4.25 version of UE, open it normal via the start or launch button, not clicking on one of your projects, then the scene browser will open, where you can search for your 4.22 project. If you try to open it, UE suggests to open a copy of it, accept that and then just wait, until it´s copied and converted to a 4.25 project.

Also, you might want to take a look at how to build basic materials. UE uses the metallic workflow, the specular workflow was abandoned a long time ago. So instead of hooking stuff to specular and roughness, you hook it to metallic and roughness, and don´t touch specular, unless you want make glass (in raytraced glass, the specular input is used to determine the refraction value of this glass material, the normal refraction input does nothing in raytracing). :slight_smile:

Its weird that the dome sky is causing issues (its set to not cast any shadow). But will give the new version a try.
Regarding the metallic approach, I tried it but the materiel would render black as you can see below.

How can I make mirror like material, in Unity its like this:
base color:0
metallic:1 (or specular)

It wasn´t a shadow problem, it did other weird stuff. Well, you will see for yourself ^.^ The city itself worked pretty fine, after throwing it into a brand new level.

Perfect Mirror Material:

Color: white (or 1, if you use parameter)
Metallic: 1 (or white, if you use colors/textures). 0 is non-metallic materials like plastic, 1 is metallic materials.
Roughness: 0 (or black, if you use colors/textures). 0 is perfectly shiny, 1 is max roughness/diffuse.

For simple materials, i tend to use scalar parameter for metallic and roughness input, instead of textures or colors (and a vector parameter for the base color, in your material, press “v” and left click to get it). To get scalar parameters, just go into the material, hold “s” and left click.
The good thing is, that you can change all parameters in the material instances (which you should use on your objects, instead of the main materials), unlike constants or normal texture objects. For textures, after you drop them into your material, right click on them and convert them to parameter too, then you can change them in all your material instances too. And one main material can have unlimited material instances, which thanks to changable parameters can look totally different.

If you want learn more, if you check the top of this forum, there you find the chapter “Learning & Support”, this gives you access to tutorials, webinars and the documentations :wink: Youtube is also a great source of tutorials, but it can be, that some are outdated, and don´t work anymore, because of changes in UE.

Thanks alot for all the info man!

BTW how do you set a cubemap for the skylight, I have an EXR longitude map but when I import it to Unreal its flagged as “texture” and not “Texture Cube”, how can I set it to "Texture Cube"inside of Unreal?

That is a weird limitation from UE. For some reason, it does not accept EXR files as cubemaps, so you need to convert it to a HDRI. HDRI work fine, so if you have the chance to download your image as EXR or HDRI, pick HDRI, that will save you the converting trouble ^.^

Also, take a look at this thread, it might solve a problem you have not encountered yet. It´s for getting the directional lights sun disc working with HDRI backdrops, but it works with other manually crafted skydomes and materials too. With connecting this SkyAtmosphereLightDiskLuminance Node to the Emission input (or adding it to whatever emissive stuff you want use in your material), the sundisk basically shines through the object, as if it was fully transparent.


And also no. 2, that thread for the case, that your imported texture is somehow blurry and low res.


For imported HDRIs, make sure, that they have sRGB DEACTIVATED, Mipmaps set to NoMipmap, and the max ingame size is set to a value as close as possible to it´s original size (if you have to change the max ingame resolution, make sure to deactivate mipmaps first, and then change res, otherwise it will calculate a dozen new mipmaps, that you don´t need, and just waste some time).

Solved all issues, but when I import my level into a new project, the same level looks different even when I turn on “ray tracing” in the new project just like in the original project where that level comes from:

Did the change to the scene (made it all blue) occur before changing settings in the new project? Is the new project in version 4.25.3?

OK just a thought as to some issues I ran across

  1. Make sure that that your that your engine scalability setting is set to Cinematic for shadows. By default it’s set to medium
  2. If you are using a sky light cast shadows is turned on by default that conflicts with the directional light.
  3. If you are using a sky light consider adding an HDRI map instead of using a SLS captured scene

where can I check this?

It will be under the settings tab on the menu bar