High res image of offcial toturial is missing

Hi all,
I couldn’t find a direct way to report this, hope some one from Epic see this and fix it.
In this tutorial :
Image of blueprint is not high res image and can not be used by any one. quality of the image is very low and scripts are not clear.
It seems that high res image is missing.

Hi Sourena,

While I understand your issue with the image quality here this is not meant to be a “how-to” page for setting up Randomly Generated Foliage. Instead, it’s meant to showcase some of the blueprint examples that are provided in this particular Showcase example that is available on the Launcher via the Learn tab.

The other examples under the “Showcases” tab are the same in this manner showing specific parts that are available via those projects available in the Learn tab of the Launcher.

This particular one can be found in the Blueprints Office project and the Blueprint in question is titled: BP_Random_Foliage.

Thank you!


Hi Tim,
Thank you for your quick respond.
Yes you’re right,
But actually that tutorial is what i exactly looking for( generating Random objects on Landscape object, not in a surface.
I searched whole “ContecntExamples” demo and there is just one blue print “BP_Random_Meshes”
Could you please tell me how can i access to that tutorial?
And also after creating lots of objects in blueprint (randomly) i realize that the object don’t cull with “Cull distance volume”, and this causes performance problem.
Do you have any recommendation for this?
Thanks in advance.

The BP_Random_Meshes is located in the Blueprint Office example. It’s not in the Content Examples, that I’m aware of, at least not fully in the same capacity.

It looks like they changed the name in the learn tab from Blueprint Office to Blueprints.

My launcher may look a little different than yours if you’re not participating in the Fortnite Alpha, but this will still be located under the “Learn” tab.

As for the culling. This is a known issue that I reported (UE-5467) back in November.

There is no timeline when that will be fixed but you can follow any updates on that here: Spawning actor in levelblueprint; culling issues - Rendering - Epic Developer Community Forums

The workaround for that is to manually set your max and min cull distance in the components tab for the static meshes. This will not require you to use a CDV.



Hi Tim
Thank you very much for your complete answer.
Thank you for letting me know that this issue is reported, i’ll follow your updates
All the best.

No problem. Let me know if you have any trouble and I’ll gladly help. :slight_smile: