High CPU usage in packaged game

I am getting very high CPU usage in my packaged game. When it first launches, the scene is just a plane in an empty scene with nothing else, and this is using PixelStreaming. I am getting 80% CPU usage on ~20 out of 32 cores on my PC, even though the scene is mostly idle and there are no clients viewing the stream.

Also, I am getting these results when the FPS is capped at 10, but when it is uncapped, I am getting 60% CPU usage on ~20 out of 32 cores on my PC. How can I be getting higher CPU usage when the frame rate is lower?

I can see that the vast majority of the CPU time is being done in TaskWorkerIsLookingForWork and WaitForTasks, are they meant to consume CPU resources?

What could be the cause of this?

TaskWorkerIsLookingForWork and WaitForTasks
as a rule is talk about waiting for the renderer thread to render a frame.

At the first launch, shader compilation probably occurs, it loads the processor very heavily. Is there a Shader Compile Worker process in the task manager by any chance?

@PREDALIEN No, this is while running the packaged game, and this is a capture of a virtually empty scene (it’s just a camera looking at a plane) well after it has been launched.

Just did a test of the project with -corelimit=1 as a launch parameter. Our product processes a bunch of 3d data in parallel and displays it to the user (think gigabytes of data). I observed in profiling that limiting the cores to 1 makes it FASTER to run our processing, and I assume it’s because the CPU is no longer tied up doing who knows what.

Really need to figure out what is going on with this CPU usage.