Hierarchy of imported Object


I am new to Unreal Engine, but I have experience with Unity.

My question is simple and very basic:

I want to import my 3D model from my modelling software, so I import the FBX file into Unreal Engine.
In my modelling software my Hirarchy looks like this:

-> roof
-> chminey
-> walls
-> ground

But in Unreal I can’t find a hierarchy, I only have on single mesh?
Actually my intension is to delete the roof for example inside Unreal, but that doesn’t seem to be possible?

Or do I have to import it as a skeletal mesh instead of staic mesh?

best regards

In Fbx importer you can choose to break down meshes into separate .uassets, but it will require you to assemble the model again piece by piece in game map. Is fairly easy if pivot origin is reset to zero, just need to spawn each separate mesh into same origin point in map.

If all the pivots are the same, grab your 5 meshes and paste them into the viewport of your world (hold CTRL and left click if needed), all will be placed correctly…it will be quicker :wink:

Thank you for your advise!

Is there a reason why the hierarchy won’t be imported?

Yep i think hierarchy only works with skeletal meshes (since it is used for animation and useful). But don’t create some skeletal if you don’t have any animations cause static lighting doesn’t work with skeketal meshes. Create a staticmesh instead and then group all in UE4 (well, you would do it only one time ;))…i don’t see the point to create some hierarchy if you don’t have any animations :wink:
Like i said, grab your staticmeshes at once and paste them into the viewport, it will be easy and quick (same pivot as mentionned above).

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