Hierarchical instanced static meshes disappearing

Hi all, I am using a blueprint actor to generate a procedural building by inputting the number of floors, width etc and then creating instances of a hierarchical instanced static mesh as wall tiles to create a building to the specified dimensions.

I am using this in editor not at runtime and want to be able to move the building around or save and reload the map but all the meshes disappear each time I do this and I need to rebuild the building anew.

Is this just the wrong way to use hierarchical instanced meshes or is there some way of making them persist I have missed?


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Unfortunately no reply to this, I’d love to use InstancedStaticMesh components to build a building in UE5, but in doing so I’ve run into the same problem.

I create InstancedStaticMesh Components through blueprints, but those components never appear in the actor’s heirarchy. Then when I move the actor around in the editor, the building disappears completely. Not sure what I’m doing wrong here.

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