I would like to hide a property in the editor based on a certain condition. I’m aware that there is a meta information for UPROPERY (EditCondition) which can be used for disable editing.
Was wondering if there is something similar but to completly hide the property.
It’s possible to use EditConditionHides now. If an edit condition fails, it will hide the UPROPERTY.
// Whether the asteroid is considered a boss asteroid.
UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = "Asteroid | Boss")
bool bIsBossAsteroid = false;
// When the boss asteroid is destroyed, how many mid sized asteroids should be spawned?
UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = "Asteroid | Boss", meta = (EditCondition = "bIsBossAsteroid", EditConditionHides))
uint8 BossNumberOfMidSizedAsteroidsToSpawn = 5;