Hiding HUD on a loading screen

I have a HUD widget. On different levels, I’ve put loading screens as widgets. I want the HUD to be invisible on these loading screens. Through the tutorials I’ve watched, I understand the nodes should be something like the image below, (unless anyone has a better idea) but it doesn’t work. I tried playing with visibility nodes as well but not helped. Which blueprint should these nodes go - the level, the loading widget or the HUD widget?

Setting Set Visibility to hidden works for me.

I would put it in the loading widget/actor because that is what has priority. To hide the HUD, you could either (A) keep a reference to it in a variable (like you have in your screenshot), or (B) use Get All Widgets Of Class to get all the widgets and hide them (useful if you have many widgets up).

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Hm unfortunately neither worked for me but I might be missing a little detail somewhere. I will try these in different combinations and see if it works. Thanks a lot for your help!

If you’re putting this in a widget, try putting it in an actor; shouldn’t make a difference, though. If that doesn’t work, I don’t know what the problem could be.

Not sure how to move it in an actor but I’ll look into it, thank you!