yes you understood me correctly thanks for you update. i will take a look at this.
yes you understood me correctly thanks for you update. i will take a look at this.
Hey everyone,
pretty simple. Create an custom actor/pawn/whatever and place it into your map/world.
i would love to hide all not needed variables in the details pannel. Take a look at the screenshot
as example. I only need acess “Defaults” or “Custom” Variables. It would be an way better overview,
if you could only show variables, you have created in this actor.
I only talk about hide and unhide. So you can always show everything again, if needed.
geets Phil
So, if I understand correctly, collapsing the categories as shown in your snapshot above is not enough for you, you just want to make even the categories themselves invisible…
I am not sure that would be possible, because if your actor/pawn/whatever inherits from anything standard that comes with UE4, these categories and variables were defined with the engine’s UPROPERTY macro… so unless you go and modify the engine itself and remove that, you won’t be able to get rid of them in the details panel.
But I’m fairly recent with the engine myself, so could be that I don’t know something. Interesting question though and hopefully someone may know a definitive answer, good luck!
Quick update:
As I was browsing through documentation for an unrelated matter, I came across the documentation for meta data specifiers. There is chance that when you define your class you can use some specifier to hide your variables and categories inherited by parent classes?? I read about this “IgnoreCategoryKeywordsInSubclasses” tag, here is the link: here
Let me know if that helps, quite curious.