Hide & Unhide widget buttons

I have a HUD widget that I have begin on startup. I also have a couple of hidden buttons on this widget that I would like to be able to activate / deactivate from a separate blueprint. Is there a way to “Get Active Widgets” so that I can cast to the HUD and update the visibility of the buttons? Or is there a better way that I could go about this?


I believe Rama made a compilation of blueprint functions which include getting active widgets, but there is nothing natively that returns all active widgets.

I would create a user widget variable and on the widget creation assign the newly created to the variable, that way I can access it when it is needed.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

You can also look at making all the bits separate, depending on how complex. And hide/unhide each widget by it self.

A little more work, but should do the trick.