When blueprint struct variables are added or renamed any break nodes for those structs show pins for the added variables or reveals renamed pins that were previously hidden. This can cause blueprints to become unorganized. I haven’t been able to find a solution to this minor annoyance other than hiding the unconnected pins again. I was also unable to find if this request had already been made. My feature request is an option in the editor preferences to hide struct pins by default.The pins the user wants to use could be checked via a check box similar to how hiding pins works now. If a pin is already connected and its name or index within the struct is changed it would not be hidden.
I agree. During development you often change name or add aditional variables. And then you need to find all struct nodes and fix them.
I tried to use “hide unconnected pins” binding in editor preferences, but it has different purpose. It hides pins in every node while the problem is really about structs only. Using “Hide unconnected pins” binding you need to do that in each blueprint and what’s more - I can’t find out how to show these hidden pins again so whole blueprint is hard to modify.
Please make these option “Hide Struct Pins By Default” available.
For the love of God, Please. Has no one in the last 2 years realized that every time we add a variable to a struct, we don’t want it automatically added as a pin to every single break node in our BPs? With no way to even search through all those nodes to re-hide them all manually? I still don’t understand why this happens in the first place. It is a torturous, pointless and just plain awful functionality.
In agreement here too
It really is becoming increasingly cumbersome to hide these pins as my projects get larger. Does anyone out there have a solution? I’d be willing to send a few bucks to a fellow dev willing to develop a tool to collapse these.
don’t pass by-ref , pass by copy if struct isn’t very huggable for performance.
then you avoid errors and could make something to hide your pin with this:
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = “Test”, meta = (AdvancedDisplay = “3”) )
void Test(class USoundWave* InSound, class UAnimSequence* InAnim, const FString& Text, FTestState TestState);
in the example above will be hidden struct TestState in the blueprint node